Holistic transformations from women just like you

  • Anishaa

    “Coming out of covid lockdowns, I was a very negative, closed off, socially anxious person. I also had PCOS and was taking the pill, but I always knew deep down it was only masking my symptoms. I used to suffer from bloating, indigestion, insulin resistance, fatigue and post food crashes. Initially my condition really worried me, but Mary educated me on PCOS, the effects of the pill and we worked with a team to get my blood work done, get insight into my health and swap out foods that helped me improve my symptoms. I am glad to say that I am no longer on the pill and I feel so so good; I am a much healthier version of myself. I have made so much progress physically that I didn’t even realize as well. I can notice many differences in my body, my clothes fit loosely now, my pictures and measurements surprised me despite not being in a deficit or losing weight.

    Mentally, I’ve always been in tune with myself and how I am feeling, but I could never implement changes to get out of it. I’ve developed tools like anchors that ground me, having Mary to brainstorm mindfulness strategies, journalling and affirmations. This journey has showed me how strong and powerful I am to make myself feel the way I want to. Today I feel like Anishaa again, I’m the me that enjoys living, that isn’t scared to show up for myself, put myself out there. I feel so much more secure in my own being, I now have the mindset to get to where I want to be.”

  • Marcie

    “I’ve always been into fitness, but when I was diagnosed with PCOS I started gaining weight. I was so stressed all the time and thought I could just train it away. I was eating right and working out hard almost every day but nothing was working. I found Mary online and loved what she was all about. She taught me how PCOS actually works and how to fix it. She knows how to teach hard concepts and explain it simply. She taught me “the art of healing” as she puts it LOL. She said I need to eat more and train less for 6 months and was scared I’d gain even more weight but the opposite happened. For the first time in my life, I wasn’t in fight flight and started healing from things I’d ignored from when I was a child. I finally got off the pill and learned about the right supplements to take. I used to be a low fat girlie but my diet has done a 180 and I really enjoy everything I get to eat!! It’s changed my relationship with food. Now I see food as a tool to help me manage my condition, not restrict my life. When it was finally time to do a calorie deficit, the fat just melted off so easy. I still had symptoms though and Mary suspected I had a gut infection which turned out to be true. Crazy how the doctors and naturopath I went to never picked up on it! I did a natural protocol without any antibiotics, and noticed the biggest difference in my skin and gut health. I feel at home in my body again and I treat myself from a place of love and gentleness instead of cruelty, but still have high expectations of myself. Mary knows her shit, and she combines science with the other things that are often missed. She really looks at your whole life and works in every area. Things I had no idea were related. It’s like solving a puzzle and fitting the pieces together perfectly. I’ve never worked with a coach like that before and it’s been so special.”

  • Kayleigh

    I was the biggest I’d been in a long time. I didn’t feel confident, strong, I didn’t think very highly of myself, I’d always talk badly about self and my body and I struggled with discipline. I wanted someone to help me understand what actually works, and make things easier rather than questioning myself like ‘I need to eat 20 grams of carbs because of my body type.’ I always trained, but it’s funny because I always thought I performed most exercises really well and I did solid workouts, but the biggest thing I realised was that I wasn’t training with intensity. I learned a lot about training and nutrition, and lost 12kg in 6 months. I also started eating animal products again after years of veganism to fuel my body and feel my best.

    Mary is very big on the mindset aspect of the journey as well; from day one she told me that if I only focused on my appearance alone I would never be happy, so focusing on my ‘why’ made me enjoy the journey so much more. I didn’t want it to just be about getting snatched, I wanted to get stronger, more educated, find a community in the gym, build my confidence, eat food that fuels my body. I can now recognise and control my thought processes through journaling, meditating and focusing on myself instead of comparing myself with others online. I fell in love with trying to be a better version of myself.”

  • Pavitra

    “Working with Mary over the past two years has been the first time I’ve lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off. I used to binge 7 days a week, depending on my stress levels, and I had the deepest Uber eats addiction. I was disoriented, I didn’t trust myself to make the right decisions, I would beat myself up, and I was a lot more stressed and anxious. Now, I am a lot more educated with nutrition and mindful eating really helps me. I used to be able to inhale my food in two minutes, now I find myself eating slower and getting fuller quicker. I’ve learned to understand my food triggers, and build self-awareness around my behaviors. I don’t do things on impulse anymore, I’m a lot more in control of my decisions.

    Mary is incredibly knowledgeable and constantly prioritises your health and wellbeing above fast and quick fixes. Mary worked with me to identify and fix underlying habits and my psychology around food, which gave me all the tools I needed to take back control of my life, shift my mindset and make lasting change in my default behaviours and lifestyle. She keeps me accountable and understands women’s needs when dealing with health, fitness and everything in between.”

  • Naveena

    "I’ve been working with Mary for 18 months, and when I say I’m a completely different person I am not exaggerating. Yes I’m fitter and more confident with my physique, but outside of that I feel so capable to take on anything. My biggest problem was consistency. I’d “be really good” for a couple of weeks, maybe even months, then completely derail my progress and it felt so discouraging the more it happened. Mary taught me not to catastrophize and make certain things second nature so when a problem did arise, I could tackle it without losing all my progress. I feel awake, focused, and mentally calm, which is all I ever wanted. I came to her thinking that I wanted to get snatched but found so many other amazing things out about myself. Mary has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to women’s health, in a world where there’s sooo much info and you don’t know who to trust. I was hesitant to take her word for it but time and time again she’s been proven right and now you can’t tell me nothing. She is the real deal!!"

  • Ornina

  • Jordan

    “Mary is so much more than a personal trainer. Before meeting her, I didn’t have a great work life balance. I thought I would always be a stressed out medical student. That was until Mary helped me create a “tool box!” I’ve since developed coping mechanisms, and learned how to regulate my body and listen to its needs. I would often times just power through medical school and not really care about my overall well being. I’ve learned that’s it’s ok to show emotions and let them out instead of ignore and suppress them. Medical school is a big part of my life, but I have realized that I don’t have to be a shell of a person. I am still a work in progress, but I have grown so much as a person since meeting Mary.”

  • Rianna

    “I had lost a lot of weight on my own but I was still struggling with body dysmorphia, not being strong, feeling like my weight loss wasn’t enough and my mental health wasn’t great. I was averaging 1200 calories, but I definitely had weeks were I ate 800 calories. I felt weak, I had low energy levels, fatigued and so out of it. I had never weight lifted before, I was very cardio focused. I didn’t feel like a gym girl, I felt like I had to look a certain type of way in order to fit in. Working with Mary taught me that I had to eat more, and that eating less doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be leaner. The idea of eating 1700 calories…I would’ve said ‘that’s an insane amount of food’ whereas now I think that’s not much food.

    My mindset shift has been the biggest change of all. I used to be super hard on myself and it exacerbated my dysmorphia, but now I am more appreciative of my achievements and I give myself credit. I have learned how to manage my body image, I accept that there will be good and bad days and I just need to combat the bad thoughts. Persistence has been the biggest skill I’ve learned; not letting a bad day become a bad week – it’s not the end of the world. My biggest breakthrough has to be how much weight I can lift. I thought I would break a bone, but nowadays I can comfortably push my weights and level up each month. It feels good to push my limits in the gym; I feel like a gym girl now, I now know that everyone is a gym girl if you apply yourself.”

  • Amanda

    “When we first met, I was very shy, reserved, lacked confidence, I struggled with how I viewed and talked to myself, I was very sad, I always got anxiety when I went out because of how I looked, I never approached people because I thought they wouldn’t want to speak to me. I spent 3 hours in the gym a day doing everything but not knowing what I was doing and making no progress. My body had no shape. I am so proud of myself and how far I’ve come in the past 18 months. I have a good coach by my side and I put my heart into this. I lost 10kg in 5 months, then did a year long bulk. Initially I was scared to eat more food, but I realized that I had to love myself at every point because my body is ever-changing. The gym helped me find a new sense of self worth, I don’t care what people think about me anymore, I love going out with people without worries. I am living my life, I have so much energy, I’m a lot happier. Now, I like how I look like, I feel good. I’d look at my mirror and think ‘wow I have a nice bum.’ I like me.”

  • Jess

    “Cannot believe how much time I have previously wasted at the gym thinking I knew what I was doing but realising now that I had absolutely no idea! The mental journey has been greater than the physical. I had a negative relationship with food (without realizing), was clearly under-eating and literally had no clue about anything related to nutrition. Never thought I’d be eating 3000 calories and feeling better than ever, looking better than ever and lifting heavier than ever! Let’s just say anyone who isn’t being coached by Mary is missing out, sh’es an absolute gem. My biggest hype woman and I’m forever learning – the constant support is seriously amazing.”

  • Morgan

    “I’ve noticed so much more than physical changes, it’s the dramatic shift in my perspective about fitness and lifestyle choices. I’ve learned so much about the human body, how muscles grow, the menstrual cycle, how to safely use food as a tool in training and the importance of the type of food that goes into our body. Mary listens to my feedback and ensures my programs are tailored to me and what I enjoy. She is my biggest hypewoman and gets me out of negative mindsets. The best thing I’ve put my money towards. I’m confident in the gym, hitting big numbers, still learning new things, it’s a beautiful community of like minded people!”

  • Sophia

    “If you told me that you could eat more and lose weight I would've laughed in your face. I was super hesitant at first because of fear of the unknown, but honestly this was the best thing I could’ve done for myself. Before coaching I’d snack and binge in the night because I was not eating enough during the day, but I haven’t binged since. Even though I was going to the gym I didn’t know the importance of following a workout plan for at least 4-8 weeks and progressively overloading, which has helped me gain more strength. I can remember the old me, lacking in confidence, no direction, low self-esteem…this has been such an amazing journey so far.”

  • Gulnur

  • Alina

  • Julia

  • Hayley

  • Soniya

  • Bek
